It’s 2015…Time for Some New Music!
// January 15th, 2015 // Uncategorized
Welp, as the title says it’s 2015! Happy New Year and all that jazz. We’re looking forward to what could be our best year ever with the Last Act!
We have a new song ready for public release. You can find the song in a few different places.
ReverbNation direct:
ReverbNation through the TLA player:
ReverbNation for the Carrying the Hate – Lyric Video (actually on YouTube):
And the YouTube version direct
BandCamp for high quality listening:
We know you’ll love it!
And we have a BIG announcement coming within the next week or so. The Fan Club will get it first, so if you want it before anyone else sign up here!
Until next time…CRANK IT UP!