CD Easter Egg Contest

// February 17th, 2011 // Uncategorized

Still Standing CD CoverAnd we don’t mean the kind you get at Easter!

On the CD artwork there are 3 hidden items, aka Easter Eggs (version 2 of the disc only…version 1 — aka the Collector’s Edition — only has 1). These were “funnies” or oddities that were intentionally put in to provide some entertainment for those fans who wanted to take the time to hunt for these things.

So we’ve made a contest out of this!

The first 3 people to correctly find the 3 Easter Eggs and email what they are to will win an “Ultimate TLA Fan Kit“!

This kit includes:

  • Still Standing (V2.0) and the Collector’s Edition (V1.0) discs
  • No Good Deed Goes Unpunished disc
  • “Problem With Authority” T-Shirt, White T-Shirt, “Problem With Authority” Ladies 3/4 sleeve T Shirt, and Bandanna
  • Signed 11″ x 17″ Poster
  • Basically every product that TLA currently has. All valued at over $120.00!

    BUT in order to get in on this you need a CD! You can get one easily through the main TLA website by clicking here or you can get one from CD Baby by clicking here. If you don’t have a credit card or paypal account, you can always walk into your local CD store and ask them to order it from their catalog (a service provided by CD baby…Bless their hearts)!

    Contest will run until April 1, 2011 (or until we have 3 winners)

    Comments are closed.