Ads start!
// February 28th, 2010 // Uncategorized
The disc is on schedule for release and the ads have started for the Olds gig, March 6, 2010 @ Tracks Pub! The commercials have started all over central Alberta, from just south of Edmonton to just north of Calgary on Rock 104 FM…quite the radius! You can check it out here.
Those who pre-ordered the disc will get it first, and it will be a Limited Edition (i.e. complete with signatures from the band). If you are one of these people, expect this in your mailbox Thursday or Friday (March 4 or 5).
Since some of the band is going on vacation right after the gig, all re-releases of old songs have been put on hold. They are still coming, just not until April.
Hope to see you at the gig! If you are wondering about the details, you can check them out here.